[Docker] MedDream DICOM Viewer for Orthanc PACS server

MedDream DICOM Viewer for Orthanc PACS server

The MedDream DICOM Viewer integrated into Orthanc DICOM archive.

MedDream HTML5 Zero-footprint DICOM Viewer which is vendor neutral and ready to be integrated into PACS, HIS/RIS/EHR/EMR, Telemedicine, Patient Portals, National Systems, CAD and AI algorithms. MedDream Universal Enterprise Viewer can be installed on premises, in any virtual environment or on cloud.

MedDream is designed to aid medical professionals in day-to-day decision-making process. The Viewer is CE certified and FDA cleared for diagnostic use as a Class 2 medical device. MedDream is a cost effective certified solution perfect for software vendors, integrators, OEM‘s and national system providers.

Installation of MedDream DICOM Viewer with Orthanc PACS server

Installing orthanc DICOM archive and viewer in docker environment:

docker network create orthanc
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name orthanc -v /mnt/orthanc-db/:/var/lib/orthanc/db/ -itd -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 jodogne/orthanc-plugins:latest
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name meddream -itd -p 80:80 -e integration=study meddream/orthanc-dicom-viewer:7.5.3

Sending sample DICOM study to orthanc PACS:

docker run --rm --network=orthanc meddream/dicom-studies:latest storescu -cSENDTOPACS@orthanc:4242 .

Login to MedDream DICOM Viewer

MedDream DICOM Viewer Login Form:

or just

Default Login username and password:
User: demo
Password: demo

Note: Please select "Any" date in MedDeam Study Search window to see all uploaded DICOM studies.

Integration into HIS

MedDream can be integrated into Healtcare Information systems: Hospital information system (HIS), Radiology information system (RIS), PACS server / PACS syste, Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA), Electronic health record (EHR) or Electronic medical record (EMR), National eHealth system or e-Health project, National portal or Patients portal, Telemedicine service or Telemedicine collaboration, DICOM Routing, Medical Imaging Cloud or other DICOM and medical imaging services.

Integration by Study UID in URL parameters

Integration example by Study UID in URL parameters:{studyUID}

URL integration of the DICOM study sample:


Viewer will open study by specified Study UID.

Installing orthanc DICOM archive, MedDream DICOM viewer, information system integration example and sample studies:

docker network create orthanc;
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name orthanc -itd -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 jodogne/orthanc-plugins:latest
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name meddream -itd -p 80:80 -e integration=study meddream/orthanc-dicom-viewer:7.5.3
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc -d -p 81:80 --name his -e integration=study meddream/dicom-viewer-integration:0.5
docker run --rm --network=orthanc meddream/dicom-studies:latest storescu -cSENDTOPACS@orthanc:4242 .

Information system integration example (integration Java Script code) will be available by

You can open viewer by clicking on "Interrogation by Study UID" link.

Security Warning: You need to use additional authentication or authorization methods if you need to prevent not authorized access to the link.

Integration by Secure Token in URL parameters

Access permissions and resources can be specified and passed by using secure token based integration. MedDream token service (https://hub.docker.com/r/meddream/token-service) can be used for token generation and validation.

Installing orthanc DICOM archive, MedDream DICOM viewer, information system integration example and sample studies:

docker network create orthanc;
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name orthanc -itd -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 jodogne/orthanc-plugins:latest
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name meddream -itd -p 80:80 -e integration=token meddream/orthanc-dicom-viewer:7.5.3
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name meddream-token-service -itd -p 8088 meddream/token-service:0.6
docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc -d -p 81:80 --name his -e integration=token meddream/dicom-viewer-integration:0.5
docker run --rm --network=orthanc meddream/dicom-studies:latest storescu -cSENDTOPACS@orthanc:4242 .

Information system integration example (integration Java Script code) will be available by

You can open viewer by clicking on "Integration by Secure Token" link.

Please contact info@softneta.com" style="box-sizing: border-box; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(15, 108, 158); overflow-wrap: break-word; text-decoration-line: none;">info@softneta.com for detailed Integration Instruction or other integration options (3'rd party or integrating vendor's token generation and validation service can be used).

Configuration of Orthanc Viewer

Custom Viewer configuration (application.properties and system.json) can passed by using -v parameter:

docker run --restart=always --network=orthanc --name meddream -itd -p 80:80 -v /home/meddream/license:/opt/meddream/license -v /home/meddream/application.properties:/opt/meddream/application.properties -v /home/meddream/system.json:/opt/meddream/sys/settings/system.json meddream/orthanc-dicom-viewer:7.5.3

Default application.properties file (for -v /home/meddream/application.properties):





#com.softneta.meddream.pacs.configurations[0].dicomCacheDirectory={Path to DICOM files}
#com.softneta.meddream.pacs.configurations[0].storeScuAet={Remote AE Title for uploading annotations and KOs}
#com.softneta.meddream.pacs.configurations[0].storeScuIp={IP of remote AE for uploading annotations and KOs}
#com.softneta.meddream.pacs.configurations[0].storeScuPort={Port of remote AE for uploading annotations and KOs}

Default system.json (for -v /home/meddream/system.json):

  "disableMultiFrameVideoAutoLoad": false,
  "threeDimensionServiceIntegration": {
    "serverIP": null,
    "port": null,
    "protocol": null,
    "pathPrefix": null,
    "pathPrefixReplaceTo": null
  "features": {
    "patientHistory": false,
    "keyObjectAndPresentationStateQuickSave": true,
    "keyObjects": true,
    "presentationState": true,
    "searchSettings": true,
    "viewerSettings": true,
    "reportSettings": true,
    "hangingProtocolsSettings": true,
    "export": true,
    "archive": true,
    "search": true,
    "reports": false,
    "liveShare": false
  "blackListedSopClasses": [],
  "forwardPacs": [{
            "storeScpIp": "",
            "storeScpPort": "104",
            "storeScpAet": "PACS",
            "description": "An example destination for Forward"
  "languages": ["en"],
  "dicomLibraryConfiguration": {
    "dicomLibrarySender": null,
    "dicomLibrarySubject": null
  "asynchronousStudyLoading": false,
  "formatIntegrationLinkInViewer": false


To stop working containers:

docker stop his
docker stop meddream
docker stop meddream-token-service
docker stop orthanc

To remove containers:

docker rm his
docker rm meddream
docker rm meddream-token-service
docker rm orthanc


MedDream DICOM Viewer licensed under the Commercial License. Please contact info@softneta.com" style="box-sizing: border-box; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(15, 108, 158); overflow-wrap: break-word; text-decoration-line: none;">info@softneta.com to get TRIAL license.

License can be registered by using License Serial number. License folder must be mounted by using -v /home/meddream/license:/opt/meddream/license. In application.properties must be:

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